The Truth

It has been a whirlwind of a year in music and I will always cherish and remember you because this is where it all started. The benefits of blogging far superseded anything that I could ever have imagined!

My first single, “The Truth”, is out on all platforms!!! CLICK on the link below to hear it! The song is about how I did not want to take responsibility for my own decisions so I filled up my life with people and things that literally muffled my senses. “The Truth”, lyrically speaking, is me having a date with myself, waiting for someone to show up to save me from my miserable life. But nobody is coming to save me. Because it is me that has to show up.

This life is not a dress rehearsal. No, no. So I urge you to have mercy on yourself and forgive yourself. Start there. There is nothing inside of you that is too dark and too ugly for you to face. And should you need a helping hand to do so, surrender to that. Also, talking with a professional might be the key to unlock the blockage. Take a leap of faith! You see, we were never meant to be here to do this alone.

I am forever grateful for you. Your presence and support means the world to me. Happy holidays!!! 🌺🌺🌺 May 2020 be your year of good health, love and good fortune!!!


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