Inside Autumn

Multicoloured leaves along the street in a hill
Wood soaked and sweetened by the rain falling
Merciful water dripping onto quiet pavements
Dribbling slippery down the tarred thirsty road

A neutral sky where the air harbours no pressure
The rooftops and local windows leaking domestic
An uninspired dog lays heavy by an entrance hall
When there is nothing to do is there nothing to do

Flattened tired carpets still pretend to be luxury
Inside wooden walls of the same old thing again
Sometimes the coffee steaming will hold comfort
One of those days without a name to label it by

Forgotten picture frames capture some yesterdays
Glossy managed smiles and gestures from parties
The trolls and magnets and broken love messages
Settled into grown up life and ways of escaping it

The stale kitchen mood meets a crisp autumn air
Spring long dead visits the city to play some tricks
Sunlight so mild giving agonizingly little warmth
To feed the endless day ahead and years of ordinary.

Copyright © Nomzi Kumalo, 2014.


        1. Who knew? 😀 Thank you. I hope you are enjoying a lovely week. They really do fly by. Something to do with having fun I think. I remember back at school how a history lesson would seem like eternity. And double history, my goodness. 😀


  1. such evocative words, Nomzi; every line conjures a scene, and every scene resonates in its own particular way – ‘merciful water’ , ‘flattened tired carpets’ ‘a neutral sky’ – so many images that open out into bigger vistas that we experience in all our senses…


    1. Oh Tish, how fabulous it is to be appreciated this way for my work. What a lovely surprise and gift. A beautiful autumn weekend treasure. So encouraging. Thank you. I hope you are having a lovely weekend too. 🙂

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