The Bathroom mirror

Sometimes the day molds me
Into features I do not recognise
A new day when at first glance
The morning has not touched me
And neither have I had a chance
To sculpt it with anxious hands

When loving you is so effortless
Not one of my secrets is original
I set loose a hundred possessions
And stand innocent in Nothing land
Nothing land she has everything
She knows well of eternal youth.

Copyright © Nomzi Kumalo, 2014.

Originally posted 22 March 2014


        1. Wonderful. I am good too; grateful for the love that I am surrounded by and also thankful that I know what is important. I wish you a pleasant evening Lisa and thank you once again for your words of encouragement. 🙂

          Liked by 1 person

        1. Indeed me too. I would have loved to hibernate well but I have done my best 😀 I am also glad and encouraged that you did visit and that the poem fits you. I wish you a pleasant evening. 🙂


    1. Indeed 😀 By the time I brush my teeth at night, I can see what kind of day I have had. Somehow the mirror becomes less significant. Perhaps it is a season. Good to hear from you Paula and thank you. Have a good afternoon. 🙂


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