That straightened Volvo life

That straightened Volvo life
With a boy and a girl and a dog
That I kept trying to make
Rejects me over and over again
Telling me to stop it

Stop lying to yourself

I apply for the umpteenth time
Embrace the struggle
To love.

Copyright © Nomzi Kumalo, 2015.


    1. When one steps out of “that straightened Volvo life”, one begins to experience peace and joy in life. And with that comes an energy to create. And to create from an honest place gives one courage. The courage to be good. The courage to do what is right.

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        1. My dear Celestine, at the beginning of this year I fell upon a powerful quote from Alice Walker that resonates with my soul and it goes “Be nobody’s darling, be an outcast; take the contradictions of your life and wrap them around you like a shawl”.

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        2. “Love is the will to extend one’s self for the purpose of nurturing one’s own or another’s spiritual growth.” M. Scott Peck. Sometimes it may sound like a warning and sometimes it may sound like love. My poem “The Sounds of love” comes to mind. Perception and truly listening.


    1. Oh Paula. 😀 Life is good to us. Especially when we let go. When we make space to listen. When we make space to be creative. Have a peaceful week and thank you for your kind message. 🙂


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