I can write, sing, paint etc. I am one of those people who love so may different subjects. But something changed, drastically. It began the day that I stopped pretending; when one by one I removed the toxins, the excuses and the lies that I told myself. All the noise.

I had buried my dreams so deep inside of me that life eventually shook me so hard, to such an extent that I ended up in rehab. Part of my journey of healing required that I share my inner world with you. I committed to writing a poem each Monday and sharing it with you. This practice became my way of opening my heart and remembering the way to my dreams. And that is where my musical journey began.

Anyhow, you will find selected poems that I have written between 2014 – 2017, a lot of which are a work in progress towards my poetry book. Currently, my focus is on my music and I am trusting that process. When it comes to my poems, I will let you know as soon as my book is out one day because this is how the magic began. In the meantime, please feel free to read my poems, listen to my music or come to my concerts. Discover what poetry is for you. For me, each poem and song that I write is a plea for love in this world.

I believe that silence is golden. I believe that most answers lie in nature, slowing down. I believe in love. And deep down inside, we know who we are.

Copyright © Nomzi Kumalo, 2014.


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